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Posts Tagged With 'Art Supplies'

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 posts

mim If you buy it, art will come... - 8th July 2010

I get so excited about art supplies, but I'm ususally too slack to use them.  I have boxes of materials that I've been hoarding since high school.  The paint has probably shrivelled into nothingness by now, but I still like to occ... (read more)

mim 2010: A Mim Odyssey - 22nd January 2011

Greetings! Josh has suggested that I post a bit of a summary-of-2010 blog, so here I go ^_^   The biggest and scariest thing that happened to me in 2010 was doing my honours thesis.  Obviously this sucked up a lot of my time, especially ... (read more)

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